
In December of the Private Life of Jesus Christ

In December of the Private Life of Jesus Christ

On Tuesday, December 8, 23 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews
On Tuesday, December 8, 23 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews: The Immaculate Conception.
On Tuesday, December 8, 23 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the God worked the miracle, and the Immaculate Conception occurred in Nazareth.
I selected The Feast and the feast day of the Roman Catholic Church.
I wrote the Table in Chronological order.
(Note: I wrote this book in Annual order.)
I wrote The Title of Story.
I wrote The Place of the Story.
I wrote Moon’s Phase at 12 a.m.
I wrote The Pages of this book.
I nominated the members who were present of a screening committee.
Class of Feast In Chronological order The Titles of Stories
1. The Feast Tue, December 8, 23 B.C. The Immaculate Conception
The Places of the Stories Moon’s Phase at 12 a.m. The Pages of this book
Nazareth 2.8 10-13
Several persons witnessed this Story. The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.
St. Anne, and the angel Gabriel.
The Immaculate Conception was the very important thing a theological viewpoint, and the Son of God was waiting for His appearance to this world.

As the High Priest advised Mary, the latter half of December of 7 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews; she has gotten engaged to Joseph in Jerusalem.
Mary was fifteen years three months old. (See the Chapter 12 of THE POEM OF THE MAN~GOD. Joseph Is Appointed Husband of the Virgin.
Note: It was the last day of the Feast of Dedication after the winter solstice of 7 B.C.
The old solar calendar of the ancestor of Abraham which began in about 2558 B.C. was twenty days longer in 2 A.D., than the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy, so the winter solstice shifted from January 1 to December 12.
(The date shifted twenty days on calendar).
(- 128 × 20) + 2 = - 2558, (- 128 × [7+13]) + 2 = - 2558
Y= (- 128 ×X) + 2
2430 B.C. (X=19 days) 2302 B.C. (X=18 days)
2174 B.C. (X=17 days) 2046 B.C. (X=16 days)
1918 B.C. (X=15 days) 1790 B.C. (X=14 days)
1662 B.C. (X=13 days) 1534 B.C. (X=12 days)
1406 B.C. (X=11 days) 1278 B.C. (X=10 days)
1150 B.C. (X= 9 days) 1022 B.C. (X= 8 days)
894 B.C. (X= 7 days) 766 B.C. (X= 6 days)
638 B.C. (X= 5 days) 510 B.C. (X= 4 days)
382 B.C. (X= 3 days) 254 B.C. (X= 2 days)
126 B.C. (X= 1 day) 2 A.D. (X= 0 day)
5 B.C. and 2 A.D. had the same range. (X= 0 day)
Therefore, I could rewrite the former letter like this.
The old solar calendar of the ancestor of Abraham, in short, the old solar calendar of the Jews which began in about 2558 B.C. was twenty days longer in 5 B.C., than the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy, so the winter solstice changed from January 1 to December 12. (The date shifted twenty days on calendar).
Thus December 12 of 5 B.C. became the winter solstice.
On Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews
On Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews: The Nativity.
Caesar Augustus was the Roman emperor from 27 B.C. till 14 A.D.
In those days, the world had the peace, so he issued the decree that the census should be taken of the entire Roman World. This was the first census while Quirinius was governor of Syria, so the people went to their own towns for register. (Luke 2:1-3).
On Monday, December 12, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews: This day was the winter solstice.
The mid-December, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the imperial command was put up on the gate of the Nazareth’s synagogue.
Israel had the rainy season from October until March. Especially, from December till January the Jews had a lot of rainfall. Moreover, of course the trip could be postponed, because Mary had a reason such as pregnancy and illness. Nevertheless, Mary persuaded Joseph to go to Bethlehem.
On Thursday, December 21, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the sun rose at 6:44 a.m.
Joseph who belonged to the house and line of David also went to from Nazareth to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, to be registered with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and her pregnancy was already advanced. (Luke 2:4-5).
Bethlehem was located in South-southwest 9 km of Jerusalem, and it was 760 meters above sea level, and the population was about one thousand.
The Nativity is the third Mystery of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.
The old solar calendar of the Jews had 365.25 days in one year.
On Sunday, December 24, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the moon which phase of the moon was 9.4 rose at 0:43 p.m.
At afternoon, Joseph and Mary met a shepherd in the pasture, and Joseph got information on the lodging from him. (Luke 2:6-7).
As Mary began the labor, Joseph struck the doors of the houses. But the all inhabitants of Bethlehem refused them, and they arrived at an inn. But the innkeeper refused them also, so they gave up the inn.
The Jews calculated their dates from sunset.
The sun set at 4:53 p.m., and it became on Monday of December 25 of 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews. They arrived at the livestock hut which was dug to the mountain. Mary was seventeen years three months and seventeen days old. The moon’s zenith which phase of the moon at 7:53:28 p.m. was 9.7. While they were there, her days were completed to give birth, and she gave birth to her first-born Son. She wrapped Him in clothes and placed Him in the manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
On Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, it was at 8 p.m. The angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds, and he stood by them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they feared very much. (Luke 2:8-16).
The angel Gabriel said to them.
“Do not be afraid. I bring you the good news of great joy which will be for all the people. Today, in the town of David a Savior has been born for you. He is Christ, the Lord. This will be a sign to you. You will find the Baby wrapped in cloths and lying in the manger.”
Suddenly, the tremendous angels appeared in the moonlight sky, and they sang the Glory of God.
“The Glory to God in the highest, and on earth may peace with the people of the good will!”
As the tremendous angels disappeared into the heaven, the shepherds said to each other.
“Let’s go to Bethlehem and see what has happened that the Lord has made known to us.”
They went to the cave.
They found Mary, Joseph, and the Baby Who was lying in the manger.
On the other hand, the three Wise men were researching about the Mysterious star at the distance at 8 p.m.
Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews – Wednesday, September 8, 22 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews = Seventeen years three months and seventeen days. Therefore, I wrote like this.
“Mary was seventeen years three months and seventeen days old.”
I selected The Feast and the feast day of the Roman Catholic Church.
I wrote the Table in Chronological order.
(Note: I wrote this book in Annual order.) I wrote The Title of Story.
I wrote The Place of the Story.
I wrote Moon’s Phase at 12 a.m.
I wrote The Pages of this book.
I nominated the members who were present of a screening committee.
6. The Feast Mon, December 25, 5 B.C. The Nativity
Bethlehem 9.4 28-53
Many persons witnessed this Story. The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit, Holy Mother Mary, St. Joseph, the shepherds of Bethlehem, and the angel Gabriel.
Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews: Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem.
I explained these items.
(1). Monday, December 25 (2). 5 B.C. (3). of the old solar calendar (4). of the Jews
The old solar calendar of the Jews had 365.25 days in one year. It was the Jews’ solar calendar before 8 A.D.
(1). Monday, December 25: The Jews calculated their dates from sunset.
As Jesus Christ was born after sunset of Sunday, Jesus Christ was born on Monday, December 25.
(2). 5 B.C.: This meaning was not 7 B.C., 6 B.C., and not 4 B.C., but 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews.
(3). of the old solar calendar: In other words, it was not the old Julian calendar, not the old Jewish calendar, not the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy, not the Julian calendar, and not the Jewish calendar. Of course, it was not the Gregorian calendar from on Friday, October 15, 1582 A.D.
(4). of the Jews: In other words, its calendar was not for the Egyptians, the Romans, and not for the Indians, but the Jews.
I explained about the date of birth of Jesus Christ.
See the Chapter 30 of THE POEM OF THE MAN~GOD. 30. The Adoration of the Shepherds.
Miss Maria Valtorta wrote like this.
Later I see a very wide country. The moon is at its zenith and she is sailing smoothly in a sky crowded with stars. They look like diamond studs fixed to a huge canopy of dark blue velvet and the moon is smiling in the middle of them with her big white face, from which streams of light descend and make the earth white.
The date of birth of Jesus Christ
1. This is my theory.
On Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews: Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem.
On Sunday, January 7, 4 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy: Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. But the below date did not exist in the History. Nevertheless, the upper two dates were the same dates.
Jesus Christ was born after sunset, and Jesus Christ was Jew.
Therefore, after sunset on Sunday, December 24, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews altered Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews.
In short, I adopted the data of Sunday, January 7, 4 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy for the date of birth of Jesus Christ.
For writing “The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data” which book was made by me, at first I had to decide the date of death of Jesus Christ?
I examined from 5 B.C. until 40 A.D.
4 B.C., Herod the Great passed away. At that time, there was the matter of the lunar eclipse. That is to say, 99.99%, Friday, April 7, 30 A.D., the enemies had crucified Jesus, so Jesus Christ passed away at 3 p.m. on the Cross.
The next important thing for decide the date of birth of Jesus Christ was to know the beginning date of His Public Life in correctly.


Buddism 6

我が国には釈迦教に1.875体の「神なるもの」が存在しますがその全てが偶像です。 渡部大修氏によるとギリシャの「万神」パンテオンを模倣して作図した曼荼羅の中心にいるのが「擬人像をもってされた太陽」の大日如来で仏教徒は「お天道さま」を崇拝しています。また、仏教徒たちは「アポロなる観...