
In December: 27 A.D./28 A.D./29 A.D./30 A.D.

In December of 27 A.D.
John the Baptist hid himself for four months in the wilderness of Samaria.
The early-December, 27 A.D., John the Baptist heard the rumor of the scandal of Jerusalem, so he began his business, and he was baptizing in Aenon near Salim, because there was plenty of water.
The people were coming to be baptized, for John the Baptist had not yet arrested again.
The early-December, 27 A.D., the disciples of John the Baptist and the Jews had the discussion the purification.
The Jews came to John the Baptist, and they said to him. (John 3:22-30).
“Rabbi, He Who was with you beyond the Jordan, to Whom you have testified, He is baptizing, and everyone is going to Him.”
John the Baptist replied.
“A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven. I have ever testified to you: ‘I am not the Christ but sent ahead of Him.’ The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend of bridegroom stands beside him and hears his voice of joy, and he is very satisfied, because He should prosper, and I become weak.” John the Baptist hid himself for four months in the wilderness of Samaria.
The early-December, 27 A.D., John the Baptist heard the rumor of the scandal of Jerusalem, so he began his business, and he was baptizing in Aenon near Salim, because there was plenty of water.
The people were coming to be baptized, for John the Baptist had not yet arrested again.
The early-December, 27 A.D., the disciples of John the Baptist and the Jews had the discussion the purification.
The Jews came to John the Baptist, and they said to him. (John 3:22-30).
“Rabbi, He Who was with you beyond the Jordan, to Whom you have testified, He is baptizing, and everyone is going to Him.”
John the Baptist replied.
“A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from heaven. I have ever testified to you: ‘I am not the Christ but sent ahead of Him.’ The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend of bridegroom stands beside him and hears his voice of joy, and he is very satisfied, because He should prosper, and I become weak.”
http://www.star.gs/ ☆出没南中時刻:太陽・月・惑星.

In December of 28 A.D.
On Saturday, December 25 of 28 A.D.
On Saturday, December 25, 28 A.D., Jesus celebrated His thirty-second birthday in Nazareth.
At the Feast of Tabernacles of 28 A.D., Jesus Christ spoke the Parable of the Good Samaritan at the Porch of Pagan of the Temple of Jerusalem.
Sometimes Jesus Christ traveled with the female followers and the female followers served Him with their talents, for example, the cooking, the sewing, and so on.
I often spent my leisure time in the park or drinking at home.
I meditated no less than the sixty thousand hours.
I preferred meditating in the park of Miyazaki to watching TV, and nothing was more pleasant than getting the fruits after the long meditation.
On Saturday, December 25, 28 A.D., Jesus Christ celebrated His thirty-second birthday in Nazareth with His dear disciples.

In December of 29 A.D.
On Sunday, December 25 of 29 A.D.
On Sunday, December 25, 29 A.D., Jesus celebrated His thirty-third birthday.
The Jews had decided that if anyone confessed that Jesus was Christ, he would be put out of the synagogue. (John 9:22).

In December of 3o A.D.
In December of 30 A.D., Holy Moher Mary meditated on the Passion of her Son, Jesus Christ.
The next event was on Friday, August 15, 49 A.D.: Holy Mother Mary passed away.
I am a simple Roman Catholic believer.
I wrote my books on my own.
Sometimes the God gave me the new idea.
On February 24, 2023 A.D., unofficially I dedicated the copyrights of The Feast and Memorial days of the Heaven, Astronomy data to the Trinity and Holy Mother Mary.
In future, I will write the next book.


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Buddism 6

我が国には釈迦教に1.875体の「神なるもの」が存在しますがその全てが偶像です。 渡部大修氏によるとギリシャの「万神」パンテオンを模倣して作図した曼荼羅の中心にいるのが「擬人像をもってされた太陽」の大日如来で仏教徒は「お天道さま」を崇拝しています。また、仏教徒たちは「アポロなる観...