
The Nativity : Chapter 12-13

6. The Feast Mon, December 25, 5 B.C. The Nativity
Bethlehem 9.4 29-54
Many persons witnessed this Story. The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.
Holy Mother Mary, St. Joseph, the shepherds of Bethlehem, the angel Gabriel, and the many angels. The Phase of the moon at 12 a.m. was 9.4.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-12

I selected The Feast and the feast day of the Roman Catholic Church.
I wrote the Table in Chronological order.
I wrote The Title of Story.
I wrote The Place of the Story.
I wrote Moon’s Phase at 12 a.m.
I wrote The Pages of this book.
I nominated the members who were present of a screening committee.
6. The Feast Mon, December 25, 5 B.C. The Nativity
Bethlehem 9.4 29-54


西暦2024年4月29日 助祭叙階式

The Nativity : Chapter 12-11

Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews - Wednesday, September 8, 22 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews = Seventeen years three months and seventeen days. Therefore, I wrote like this.
“Holy Mother Mary was seventeen years three months and seventeen days old.”


The Nativity : Chapter 12-10

As the many angels disappeared into the heaven, the shepherds said to each other.
“Let’s go to Bethlehem and see what has happened that the Lord has made known to us.”
They went to the cave.
They found Holy Mother Mary, St. Joseph, and the Baby Who was lying in the manger.
On the other hand, the three Wise men were researching about the Mysterious star at the distance at 8 p.m.



The Nativity : Chapter 12-9

Suddenly, the many angels appeared in the moonlight sky, and they sang the Glory of God.
“The Glory to God in the highest, and on earth may peace with the people of the good will!”

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The Nativity : Chapter 12-8

On Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, it was at 8 p.m. The angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds, and he stood by them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they feared very much. (Luke 2:8-16).
The angel Gabriel said to them.
“Do not be afraid. I bring you the good news of great joy which will be for all the people. Today, in the town of David a Savior has been born for you. He is Christ, the Lord. This will be a sign to you. You will find the Baby wrapped in cloths and lying in the manger.”


The Nativity : Chapter 12-7

The sun set at 4:53 p.m., and it became on Monday of December 25 of 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews. They arrived at the livestock hut which was dug to the mountain. Holy Mother Mary was seventeen years three months and seventeen days old,
The moon’s zenith which phase of the moon at 7:53:28 p.m. was 9.7. While they were there, her days were completed to give birth, and she gave birth to her first-born Son. She wrapped Him in clothes and placed Him in the manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-6

As Holy Mother Mary began the labor, St. Joseph struck the doors of the houses. But the all inhabitants of Bethlehem refused them, and they arrived at an inn. But the innkeeper refused them also, so they gave up the inn.
The Jews calculated their dates from sunset.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-5

The Nativity is the third Mystery of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.
The old solar calendar of the Jews had 365.25 days in one year.
On Sunday, December 24, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the Phase of the moon at 12 a.m. was 9.4. The moon which Phase of the moon was 9.4 rose at 0:43 p.m.
At afternoon, St. Joseph and Holy Mother Mary met a shepherd in the pasture, and St. Joseph got information on the lodging from him. (Luke 2:6-7).


The Nativity : Chapter 12-4

On Thursday, December 21, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the sun rose at 6:44 a.m. St. Joseph who belonged to the house and line of David also went to from Nazareth to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, to be registered with Holy Mother Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and her pregnancy was already advanced. (Luke 2:4-5).
Bethlehem was located in South-southwest 9 km of Jerusalem, and it was 760 meters above sea level, and the population was about one thousand.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-3

Israel had the rainy season from October until March. Especially, from December till January the Jews had a lot of rainfall. Moreover, of course the trip could be postponed, because Holy Mother Mary had a reason such as pregnancy and illness. Nevertheless, Holy Mother Mary persuaded St. Joseph to go to Bethlehem.


The Nativity: Chapter 12-2

On Monday, December 12, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews: This day was the winter solstice.
The mid-December, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the imperial command was put up on the gate of the Nazareth’s synagogue.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-1

Caesar Augustus was the Roman emperor from 27 B.C. till 14 A.D.
In those days, the world had the peace, so he issued the decree that the census should be taken of the entire Roman World. This was the first census while Quirinius was governor of Syria, so the people went to their own towns for register. (Luke 2:1-3).


Chapter 11-6

This was Mr. Tsukasa Hasegawa’s website
http://www.star.gs/ ☆出没南中時刻:太陽・月・惑星.
日付:年月日: year, month, day. 地方標準時: The local standard time. エルサレム(イスラエル): Jerusalem (Israel). 月: The moon
My mother language was Japanese. I wrote my thinking on the right side of the Table.
The Sanhedrin obeyed to the new Julian calendar of Caesar Augustus, and they deleted thirteen days as follow: (The date shifted thirteen days on the calendar).


Chapter 11-5

All those things took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet, and he foretold like this: “The virgin will be with Child and will give to a Son, and will call Him Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14).
That name’s meaning was the God with us.
When St. Joseph awoke from his dream, he carried out what the angel commanded and he took her home as his wife, and the next week, they resided in her house.


Chapter 11-4

St. Joseph was a righteous man, so he did not want to expose her publicly, and he decided to divorce her quietly. While he was considering this, an angel of the Lord appeared in his dream, and he said. (Matthew 1:18-24). “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to welcome to Mary to your house as your wife. What is conceived in her is by the Holy Spirit. Mary will give birth to a Son and you are to call Him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”


Chapter 11-3

The birth of Jesus Christ came about like this.
Holy Mother Mary was engaged to St. Joseph in the latter half of February of 6 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews. But before they came together, she was found to be with Child by the Holy Spirit.


Chapter 11-2

On Thursday, August 4, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, they passed through the region of Samaria and arrived at Nazareth.
St. Joseph said good-bye to Holy Mother Mary, and he went back to his home.


Chapter 11-1

On Tuesday, August 2, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the moon which phase of the moon was 12.6 rose at 5:10 p.m. At sunset, St. Joseph held the donkey by the reins and led the way and Holy Mother Mary got on it, and they left Jerusalem.


Chapter 10-3

Note: The Jews could not walk over 900 meters on the Sabbath.
1. Holy Mother Mary did not visit the house of St. Elizabeth on the Sabbath.
2. After the Sabbath, St. Joseph left Nazareth.
3. On Thursday, August 4, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, before the Sabbath St. Joseph and Holy Mother Mary arrived at Nazareth.

Chapter 10-2

At afternoon of Tuesday, August 2, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, St. Joseph came to Jerusalem, and when they started on a journey at sunset, he noticed the pregnancy of Holy Mother Mary.
Holy Mother Mary stayed with St. Elizabeth for about three months and she returned her home. (Luke 1:56).


Chapter 10-1

St. John the Baptist was born, and forty days passed.
On Tuesday, August 2, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, they went to the temple of Jerusalem for they devoted St. John the Baptist to the God, and the ceremony was splendid because he was the eldest son of the priest.


Chapter 9-10

Note: I wrote like this in the Chapter 9 of The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data.
The sun rise was at 4:32 a.m.
Miss Maria Valtorta saw this sun.
I searched for the Sun-rise, the Sun-Zenith, and the Sun-set.
Sun-rise Sun-Zenith Sun-set
Thursday, June 23, 5 B.C. 4:32 11:38:21 18:45
Friday, June 24, 5 B.C. 4:32 11:38:33 18:45


Chapter 9-9

Note: I wrote like this in the Chapter 9 of The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data.
The sun rise was at 4:32 a.m.
Miss Maria Valtorta saw this sun. I searched for the Sun-rise, the Sun-Zenith, and the Sun-set.
Sun-rise Sun-Zenith Sun-set
Thursday, June 23, 5 B.C. 4:32 11:38:21 18:45
Friday, June 24, 5 B.C. 4:32 11:38:33 18:45


Chapter 9-8

See the Chapter 23 of THE POEM OF THE MAN~GOD. 23. The Birth of the Baptist.
Miss Maria Valtorta wrote about the moon of previous day of the birth of John the Baptist like this: It is a beautiful summer evening, still clear in the last rays of the sun, and yet the sky is already decorated with a falcate moon that looks like a silver comma attached to large deep blue cloth.


Chapter 9-6

You should read this Table like this.
On Friday, June 24, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the Phase of the moon at 12 a.m. was 2.9. The moon rise was at 6:54 a.m. The zenith of the moon was at 1:59:45 p.m. The moon set was at 8.58 p.m.
Therefore, I wrote like this in the Body.
On Friday, June 24, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the sun rose at 4:32 a.m. The moon which phase of the moon was 2.7 rose at 6:54 a.m., (and 2.9 at 12 a.m.).


Chapter 9-5

The neighbors were all filled with awe. The people were talking about all those things in the entire hilly Judea, and they said. (Luke 1:65-66).
“What kind of child going to be!”
I searched for Mr. Tsukasa Hasegawa’s website.
http://www.star.gs/ ☆出没南中時刻:太陽・月・惑星.
日付:年月日: year, month, day. 地方標準時: The local standard time.
My mother language was Japanese. I wrote my thinking on the right side of the Table.
The Jews obeyed to the new Julian calendar of Caesar Augustus, and they deleted thirteen days as follow: (The date shifted thirteen days on the calendar).
On Friday, June 24, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the sun rose at 4:32 a.m. The moon which phase of the moon was 2.7 rose at 6:54 a.m., (and 2.9 at 12 a.m.).


Chapter 9-4

St. Zechariah asked for a writing tablet and he wrote.
“His name is John.”
This surprised at all. Just then St. Zechariah’s mouth was opened and his tongue was loosed, and he said by the Holy Spirit.
“Be blessing the Lord God of Israel. He has come and He has redeemed His people. He has risen up a powerful Savior for us in the house of His servant David as He said by the mouth of His holy prophets from the ancient times, salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us. He has showed the mercy that was promised to our ancestors, and He has remembered His holy covenant, the oath He swore to our father Abraham. He has saved us from the hand of our enemies, and to enable us to serve Him without fear in holiness and righteousness before Him all our days. You, my little child will be called a prophet of the Most High, for you will go on before the Lord to prepare His way, to give His people the knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins. They had done by the tender mercies of the Lord God. The light of those mercies will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death to lead our feet into the path of peace.”



Chapter 9-3

On Friday, July 1, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews: On the eighth day, they came to circumcise the baby and they were going to name after his father St. Zechariah.
St. Elizabeth spoke up and said loudly. (Luke 1:59-64 Luke 1:67-79).
“No! He is to be called John.”
They said to her.
They made signs to his father, to find out what he would like to name his child.


Buddism 6

我が国には釈迦教に1.875体の「神なるもの」が存在しますがその全てが偶像です。 渡部大修氏によるとギリシャの「万神」パンテオンを模倣して作図した曼荼羅の中心にいるのが「擬人像をもってされた太陽」の大日如来で仏教徒は「お天道さま」を崇拝しています。また、仏教徒たちは「アポロなる観...