
Chapter 1-2

The Love said.
“Let there be light.” (3)<
The Trinity created the universe, and the Word of God condemned the evil angels, and the Trinity deported them from the heaven. At that time, all demons disfigured, and the evil angels became to the monsters and the odd colors dreadful demons. Those demons were bigoted in their hatreds forever. Therefore, Lucifer and the demons made the hell.
Some of the Jews did not write the letters for their histories and they dictated their words to the next generation. As the Holy Spirit led the Jews, they wrote the Septuagint.
The Lord God formed the man from the mud of the ground and He breathed His breath into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.
The God had planted a garden in Eden, and He put the man in it. (4)
The God said.
“It is not good for the man to be alone, so I will make a helper for him.” (5)
The God made a woman from the rib which He had taken out from the man, and He brought her to him, so the man said. (6)
“She is bone of my bones, and fresh of my fresh, so she shall called woman.”
The serpent who was Lucifer said to the woman. (7)
“Did God say to you, ‘You must not eat from any fruit of tree in the garden?’ ”

(1) John 1:1-3 (2) Isaiah 7:14 (3) Genesis 1:3 (4) Genesis 2:7-8 (5) Genesis 2:18 (6) Genesis 2:22-23 (7) Genesis 3:1 (8) Genesis 3:4-5 (9) Genesis 3:6-7 (10) Genesis 4:3-16 (11) Genesis 4:25-26 (12) Genesis 6:18 (13) Genesis 11:1-9 (14) Genesis 10:1 (15) Genesis 11:27 (16) Genesis 12:1-3 (17) Isaiah 7:14 (18) Daniel 9:24 (19) Matthew 1:1-16

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For a while I want to meditate on my new book.

Tuesday, March 11, 27 A.D. - Wednesday, September 8, 22 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews = forty-seven years six months and three ...