
Chapter 2-3

See the Chapter 5 of THE POEM OF THE MAN~GOD. 5. Birth of the Virgin Mary.
Miss Maria Valtorta wrote like this.
And at the same time a huge rainbow stretches its semicircle across the sky. It rises, or seem to rise, from the top of Hermon, which kissed by the sun, looks like a most delicate pinkish alabaster: it rises up in the clear September sky and through an atmosphere cleaned of all impurities, it crosses over the hills of Galilee and the plain to the south, and over another mountain, and seems to rest the other end on the distant horizon, where it drops from view behind a chain of high mountains.
“We have never seen anything like this!” “Look, look!” “It seems to enclose in a circle the whole of the land of Israel. And look! There is already a star in the sky while the sun has not yet set. What a star! It is shining like a huge diamond!...”
“And the moon, over there, is a full moon, three days early. But look how she is shining!”
Miss Maria Valtorta wrote like this: It rises up in the clear September sky.
I, Tetsuyo Sano know the date of birth of Holy Mother Mary. On Wednesday, September 8, 22 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews: Mary was born in Nazareth.
I adopted the data of Wednesday, September 21, 22 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy for the date of birth of Holy Mother Mary.


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Buddism 7

龍樹(西暦150年~西暦250年頃)は出家する以前に隠身の術を用いて仲間と共に美女が沢山いた宮中後宮(こうきゅう)に忍び込んで姦淫の限りを尽くしました。 だが、王が対策を講じたので後宮に忍び込んだ龍樹を除く4人中の3人が即死しました。 一命を取り留めた龍樹は「欲」が苦しみの原因だ...