
Chapter 4-4

Thus December 12 of 5 B.C. became the winter solstice.
The two months passed.
The latter half of February of 6 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews: as St. Mary was fifteen years five months old, St. Mary and St. Joseph god married in Jerusalem.
St. Mary came back to her home after the twelve years and three months.
I knew the correct name of that calendar: It was the old solar calendar of the Jews.
See the Chapter 14 of THE POEM OF THE MAN~GOD. 14. Joseph and Mary arrive in Nazareth.
Miss Maria Valtorta wrote like this: a mild February.


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The Nativity : Chapter 12-139

I adopted the data of on Friday, July 7, 5 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy for the date of birth of St. John the Baptist...