
The Nativity : Chapter 12-39

Again and again I turned over those beautiful letters which had the four lines or the six lines by Japanese English Japanese English. Those beautiful letters had quite a lot of unknown names which I didn’t know at all. “Eh! What is this?” I had never heard those town’s names and those names of persons. When I noticed those things, my whole body became hot in fright. Hardly had I noticed to the miracle when I stood up from the stool and I shouted in my top loud voice. “That is the miracle!”

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Buddism 7

龍樹(西暦150年~西暦250年頃)は出家する以前に隠身の術を用いて仲間と共に美女が沢山いた宮中後宮(こうきゅう)に忍び込んで姦淫の限りを尽くしました。 だが、王が対策を講じたので後宮に忍び込んだ龍樹を除く4人中の3人が即死しました。 一命を取り留めた龍樹は「欲」が苦しみの原因だ...