
The Nativity : Chapter 12-65

8. In Summer, 2002 A.D., my friend who was the associate professor of Miyazaki University taught Mr. Tsukasa Hasegawa’s website to me.
This was Mr. Tsukasa Hasegawa’s website.
http://www.star.gs/ ☆出没南中時刻:太陽・月・惑星.
I translated these Japanese into English.
年月日: year, month, day.
標準時: The standard time.
地方標準時: The local standard time. Click the button.
何日分?: How many days? You should write like this: 30~60.
天体名: The name of the celestial.
太陽: The sun.
月: The moon. I researched about the moon.
全世界: The whole world.
エルサレム(イスラエル): Jerusalem (Israel).
When you read the table, you should read these items.
南中: The zenith of the moon.
月齢12時: The phase of the moon at 12 a.m.

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