
The Nativity : Chapter 12-74

On August 27, 2002 A.D., the early morning, I hit the answer to the problem as I was dazzling on bedding. That is why I could not understand the theories of that book.
If I explained by the old Jewish calendar with respect to the whole dates of the Private Life of Jesus; I will have the many contradictions.
The old solar calendar had 365 days and 1/4 day.
On the other hand, the old Jewish calendar had 29.5 × 12 days.
In other words, they had 11 and 1/4 days’ differences in one year. So if I explained only the date of birth of Jesus Christ by the old Jewish calendar, I have no contradiction. But if I explained the whole dates of the Private Life of Jesus Christ by the old Jewish calendar, I will have plenty of contradiction. Why? The scholars of the Primitive Greek Orthodox Church adopted the Julian calendar. Therefore, I realized that the Primitive Roman Catholic Church’s scholars knew that Jesus Christ was born on December 25 by the Holy Tradition.

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Buddism 7

龍樹(西暦150年~西暦250年頃)は出家する以前に隠身の術を用いて仲間と共に美女が沢山いた宮中後宮(こうきゅう)に忍び込んで姦淫の限りを尽くしました。 だが、王が対策を講じたので後宮に忍び込んだ龍樹を除く4人中の3人が即死しました。 一命を取り留めた龍樹は「欲」が苦しみの原因だ...