I published these books:
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data.
The Feast and Memorial days, Astronomy data.
The Kingdom of Jesus, Astronomy data.
I think that the principles of the individual judgments and the Last Judgment are the same things as follow: The Virgin Mary born the Immanuel and the Immanuel Jesus Christ is the Son of the Father and the son of Holy Mother Mary.
The most high-ranking Queen of heaven is Holy Mother Mary.
The angels of heaven agreed with My (Jesus’) plan.
Of cause, Lucifer and the demons turned down My (Jesus’) proposal.
By the way, do you assent to My (Jesus’) plan and the order of heaven, or not?
The Annunciation is the first Mystery of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.
On Friday, March 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the Phase of the moon at 12 a.m. was 0.7. The zenith of the moon was at 0:06:51 p.m.
In the afternoon, it was the six month after St. Elizabeth became pregnant, St. Mary was praying in her room.
She was sixteen years six months and seventeen days old.
The angel Gabriel was sent by the God, and he came into her room.
He knelt down, and greeted to her. (Luke 1:26-38).
“Greetings, you are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”
St. Mary was greatly troubled at his words, and wondered what kinds of greeting this might be.
The angel Gabriel looked up at her, and said.
(The angel Gabriel proclaimed the faith of angels of heaven. Therefore, the all angels of heaven had the same faith).
“Do not be afraid, Mary.
1. You received the blessing from the God.
2. You will be with Child and give birth to a Son, and you will call Him Jesus.
3. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High God.
4. The Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.
5. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever.
6. His kingdom will never end.”
She asked him modesty.
“How can this be, since I don’t know a man?”
The angel replied her.
“8. The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High God will overshadow you.
9. Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.
Even Elizabeth, your relative is going to have a child in her old age and this is the sixth month in her who was called barren. For with God nothing will be impossible.”
St. Mary answered him.
“I am the Lord’s maidservant, may it be to me as you have said.”
The Trinity was delighted to her consent.
10. The Holy Spirit fell into St. Mary.
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data. The Feast and Memorial days, Astronomy data. The Kingdom of Jesus, Astronomy data. Already I wrote the dates of the Twenty Mysteries of the Rosary on those Kindle books. In Summer of 2025 A.D., I will publish The 26 Feasts and Memorial days of Kingdom of Jesus Astronomy data. Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@tetsuyosano2810
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Buddism 7
龍樹(西暦150年~西暦250年頃)は出家する以前に隠身の術を用いて仲間と共に美女が沢山いた宮中後宮(こうきゅう)に忍び込んで姦淫の限りを尽くしました。 だが、王が対策を講じたので後宮に忍び込んだ龍樹を除く4人中の3人が即死しました。 一命を取り留めた龍樹は「欲」が苦しみの原因だ...
I examined from 5 B.C. until 40 A.D. In 4 B.C., Herod the Great passed away. At that time, there was the matter of the lunar eclipse. That ...
The next important thing for decide the date of birth of Jesus Christ was to know the beginning date of His Public Life in correctly. The g...
In April of the Private Life of Jesus Christ In the spring, the Holy Family went back to Nazareth. After Herod died, the angel Gabriel appe...
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