
The Nativity : Chapter 12-87

See the Chapter 5 of THE POEM OF THE MAN~GOD. 5. Birth of the Virgin Mary.
The man said.
“And the moon, over there, is a full moon, three days early.”
See the Chapter 23 of THE POEM OF THE MAN~GOD. 23. The Birth of the Baptist.
Miss Maria Valtorta wrote like this.
It is a beautiful summer evening, still clear in the last rays of the sun, and yet the sky is already decorated with a falcate moon that looks like a silver comma attached to large deep blue cloth.
See the Chapter 30 of THE POEM OF THE MAN~GOD. 30. The Adoration of the Shepherds.
Miss Maria Valtorta wrote like this.<
Later I see a very wide country. The moon is at its zenith and she is sailing smoothly in a sky crowded with stars. They look like diamond studs fixed to a huge canopy of dark blue velvet and the moon is smiling in the middle of them with her big white face, from which streams of light descend and make the earth white.

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The Nativity :Chapter 12-140

http://www.star.gs/ ☆出没南中時刻:太陽・月・惑星. 日Sunday月Monday火Tuesday水Wednesday木Thursday金Friday土Saturday My mother language was Japanese. I wrote my...