17. This is my theory.
On Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews: Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem.
On Sunday, January 7, 4 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy: Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem.
Indeed, the Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory.
But that calendar of the Astronomy did not exist in the History. Nevertheless, the upper two dates were the same dates.
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data. The Feast and Memorial days, Astronomy data. The Kingdom of Jesus, Astronomy data. Already I wrote the dates of the Twenty Mysteries of the Rosary on those Kindle books. In Summer of 2025 A.D., I will publish The 26 Feasts and Memorial days of Kingdom of Jesus Astronomy data. Youtube https://www.youtube.com/@tetsuyosano2810
The Nativity : Chapter 12-118
16. I want to explain the collect date of birth of Holy Mother Mary, the date of birth of St. John the Baptist, and the date of birth of Jesus Christ.
Thirteen days.
Remember these things.
September 8: Mary was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ September 21: Mary was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar). June 24: St. John the Baptist was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ July 7: St. John the Baptist was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar).
December 25: Jesus was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ January 7: Jesus was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar).
Thirteen days.
Remember these things.
September 8: Mary was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ September 21: Mary was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar). June 24: St. John the Baptist was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ July 7: St. John the Baptist was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar).
December 25: Jesus was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ January 7: Jesus was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar).
The Nativity : Chapter 12-117
The moon’s zenith which phase of the moon was 9.7 was at 7:53:28 p.m. While they were there, her days were completed to give birth, and she gave birth to her first-born Son. She wrapped Him in clothes and placed Him in the manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
On Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, it was at 8 p.m.
The angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds, and he stood by them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they feared very much. (Luke 2:8-16).
On Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, it was at 8 p.m.
The angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds, and he stood by them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they feared very much. (Luke 2:8-16).
The Nativity : Chapter 12-116
As Holy Mother Mary began the labor, St. Joseph struck the doors of the houses. But the all inhabitants of Bethlehem refused them, and they arrived at an inn. But the innkeeper refused them also, so they gave up the inn.
The Jews calculated their dates from sunset.
The sun set at 4:53 p.m., and it became on Monday of December 25 of 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews. They arrived at the livestock hut which was dug to the mountain.
Holy Mother Mary was seventeen years three months and seventeen days old.
The Jews calculated their dates from sunset.
The sun set at 4:53 p.m., and it became on Monday of December 25 of 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews. They arrived at the livestock hut which was dug to the mountain.
Holy Mother Mary was seventeen years three months and seventeen days old.
The Nativity : Chapter 12-115
The Nativity is the third Mystery of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.
The old solar calendar of the Jews had 365.25 days in one year.
On Sunday, December 24, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the Phase of the moon was 9.4 at 12 a.m. The moon which phase of the moon was 9.4 rose at 0:43 p.m.
At afternoon, St. Joseph and Holy Mother Mary met a shepherd in the pasture, and St. Joseph got information on the lodging from him. (Luke 2:6-7).
The old solar calendar of the Jews had 365.25 days in one year.
On Sunday, December 24, 5 B.C. of the old solar calendar of the Jews, the Phase of the moon was 9.4 at 12 a.m. The moon which phase of the moon was 9.4 rose at 0:43 p.m.
At afternoon, St. Joseph and Holy Mother Mary met a shepherd in the pasture, and St. Joseph got information on the lodging from him. (Luke 2:6-7).
The Nativity : Chapter 12-114
15. Anyway, I adopted the data of on Sunday, January 7, 4 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy for the date of birth of Jesus Christ.
Indeed, the Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Therefore, I wrote in the Nativity like this. See the Chapter 12 of The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data.
Indeed, the Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Therefore, I wrote in the Nativity like this. See the Chapter 12 of The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data.
The Nativity : Chapter 12-113
14. On January 7, 4 B.C. of the calendar of the Astronomy, Moon-rise was at 12:43, Zenith of the moon was at 19:53:28, Moon-set was at 02:09, Phase of the moon was 9.4 at 12:00.
On December 15, 5 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy: the moon was almost full moon (15.9). The zenith was at 0:34:15.
On Januar 7, 4 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy: the moon was the gibbous (9.4). The zenith was at 19:53:28.
On January 14, 4 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy: the moon was almost full moon (16.4). The zenith was at 0:57:25.
See the sun’s and moon’s data of -40107 of on January 7, 4 B.C.
The calendar of the Astronomy and the old Gregorian calendar of th Astronomy were the same calendar. But both of them did not exist in this history.
On December 15, 5 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy: the moon was almost full moon (15.9). The zenith was at 0:34:15.
On Januar 7, 4 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy: the moon was the gibbous (9.4). The zenith was at 19:53:28.
On January 14, 4 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy: the moon was almost full moon (16.4). The zenith was at 0:57:25.
See the sun’s and moon’s data of -40107 of on January 7, 4 B.C.
The calendar of the Astronomy and the old Gregorian calendar of th Astronomy were the same calendar. But both of them did not exist in this history.
The Nativity : Chapter 12-112
See the Chapter 30 of THE POEM OF THE MAN~GOD. 30. The Adoration of the Shepherds.
Miss Maria Valtorta wrote like this.
Later I see a very wide country. The moon is at its zenith and she is sailing smoothly in a sky crowded with stars. They look like diamond studs fixed to a huge canopy of dark blue velvet and the moon is smiling in the middle of them with her big white face, from which streams of light descend and make the earth white.
Miss Maria Valtorta wrote like this.
Later I see a very wide country. The moon is at its zenith and she is sailing smoothly in a sky crowded with stars. They look like diamond studs fixed to a huge canopy of dark blue velvet and the moon is smiling in the middle of them with her big white face, from which streams of light descend and make the earth white.
The Nativity : Chapter 12-110
13. The Moon-rise, the Moon-Zenith, the Moon-set, and the phase of the moon at 12 a.m., from December 25 of 5 B.C. until January 6 of 4 B.C. of the calendar of the Astronomy.
I searched for Mr. Tsukasa Hasegawa’s website.
http://www.star.gs/ ☆出没南中時刻:太陽・月・惑星.
日付:年月日: year, month, day. 地方標準時: The local standard time.
エルサレム(イスラエル): Jerusalem (Israel). 月: The moon.
My mother language was Japanese. I wrote my thinking on the right side of the Table.
The Sanhedrin obeyed to the new Julian calendar of Caesar Augustus, and they deleted thirteen days as follow: (The date shifted thirteen days on calendar).
I searched for Mr. Tsukasa Hasegawa’s website.
http://www.star.gs/ ☆出没南中時刻:太陽・月・惑星.
日付:年月日: year, month, day. 地方標準時: The local standard time.
エルサレム(イスラエル): Jerusalem (Israel). 月: The moon.
My mother language was Japanese. I wrote my thinking on the right side of the Table.
The Sanhedrin obeyed to the new Julian calendar of Caesar Augustus, and they deleted thirteen days as follow: (The date shifted thirteen days on calendar).
The Nativity : Chapter 12-109
(The date shifted twenty days on calendar).
Thus December 12 of 5 B.C. became the winter solstice
On March 24, 2012 A.D., I quoted these letters from Wikipedia.
The Great Pyramid of Giza (called the Pyramid of Khufu and the Pyramid of Cheops) is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis bordering what is now EI Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largest intact. Egyptologists believe that the pyramid was built as a tomb for fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops in Greek) over an approximately 20 year period concluding around 2560 BC.
Thus December 12 of 5 B.C. became the winter solstice
On March 24, 2012 A.D., I quoted these letters from Wikipedia.
The Great Pyramid of Giza (called the Pyramid of Khufu and the Pyramid of Cheops) is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis bordering what is now EI Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largest intact. Egyptologists believe that the pyramid was built as a tomb for fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops in Greek) over an approximately 20 year period concluding around 2560 BC.
The Natiity : Chapter 12-108
(- 128 × 20) + 2 = - 2558, (- 128 × [7+13]) + 2 = - 2558
Y= (- 128 ×X) + 2 2430 B.C. (X=19 days) 2302 B.C. (X=18 days) 2174 B.C. (X=17 days) 2046 B.C. (X=16 days) 1918 B.C. (X=15 days) 1790 B.C. (X=14 days) 1662 B.C. (X=13 days) 1534 B.C. (X=12 days) 1406 B.C. (X=11 days) 1278 B.C. (X=10 days) 1150 B.C. (X= 9 days) 1022 B.C. (X= 8 days) 894 B.C. (X= 7 days) 766 B.C. (X= 6 days) 638 B.C. (X= 5 days) 510 B.C. (X= 4 days) 382 B.C. (X= 3 days) 254 B.C. (X= 2 days) 126 B.C. (X= 1 day) A.D. 2. (X= 0 day
5 B.C. and A.D. 2 had the same range.
Therefore, I could rewrite the former letter like this
The old solar calendar of the ancestor of St. Abraham, in short, the old solar calendar of the Jews which began in about 2558 B.C. was twenty days longer in 5 B.C., than the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy, so the winter solstice shifted from January 1 to December 12.
Y= (- 128 ×X) + 2 2430 B.C. (X=19 days) 2302 B.C. (X=18 days) 2174 B.C. (X=17 days) 2046 B.C. (X=16 days) 1918 B.C. (X=15 days) 1790 B.C. (X=14 days) 1662 B.C. (X=13 days) 1534 B.C. (X=12 days) 1406 B.C. (X=11 days) 1278 B.C. (X=10 days) 1150 B.C. (X= 9 days) 1022 B.C. (X= 8 days) 894 B.C. (X= 7 days) 766 B.C. (X= 6 days) 638 B.C. (X= 5 days) 510 B.C. (X= 4 days) 382 B.C. (X= 3 days) 254 B.C. (X= 2 days) 126 B.C. (X= 1 day) A.D. 2. (X= 0 day
5 B.C. and A.D. 2 had the same range.
Therefore, I could rewrite the former letter like this
The old solar calendar of the ancestor of St. Abraham, in short, the old solar calendar of the Jews which began in about 2558 B.C. was twenty days longer in 5 B.C., than the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy, so the winter solstice shifted from January 1 to December 12.
The Nativity : Chapter 12-107
If St. Abraham began the solar calendar, his solar calendar was one day longer than the Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy per 128 years.
If St. Moses began the solar calendar, his solar calendar was one day longer than the Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy per 128 years.
If St. Daniel began the solar calendar, his solar calendar was one day longer than the Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy per 128 years.
Shortly speaking, the old solar calendar of the ancestor of St. Abraham which began in about 2558 B.C. was twenty days longer in A.D. 2, than the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy, so the winter solstice shifted from January 1 to December 12.
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data
If St. Moses began the solar calendar, his solar calendar was one day longer than the Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy per 128 years.
If St. Daniel began the solar calendar, his solar calendar was one day longer than the Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy per 128 years.
Shortly speaking, the old solar calendar of the ancestor of St. Abraham which began in about 2558 B.C. was twenty days longer in A.D. 2, than the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy, so the winter solstice shifted from January 1 to December 12.
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data
The Nativity : Chapter 12-106
1582 A.D., St. Gregory XIII adopted the new calendar
The Julian calendar had 365.25 days.
On the other hand, the Gregorian calendar had 365.2425 days and several conditions.
St. Gregory XIII deleted ten days from the calendar, thus the next date of October 4 became October 15 of 1582 A.D.
Shortly speaking, the old solar calendar of the ancestor of St. Abraham which began in about 2558 B.C. was twenty days longer in A.D. 2, than the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy, so the winter solstice changed from January 1 to December 12.
The Gregorian calendar is perfect calendar.
That is, if the Jews began their solar calendar, their solar calendar was one day longer than the Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy per 128 years.
The Julian calendar had 365.25 days.
On the other hand, the Gregorian calendar had 365.2425 days and several conditions.
St. Gregory XIII deleted ten days from the calendar, thus the next date of October 4 became October 15 of 1582 A.D.
Shortly speaking, the old solar calendar of the ancestor of St. Abraham which began in about 2558 B.C. was twenty days longer in A.D. 2, than the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy, so the winter solstice changed from January 1 to December 12.
The Gregorian calendar is perfect calendar.
That is, if the Jews began their solar calendar, their solar calendar was one day longer than the Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy per 128 years.
The Nativity : Chapter 12-105
Thus their ignorance and their compromises made the new Julian calendar.
12. Winter solstice of the old solar calendar of the Jews became December 12 of 5 B.C.
Why? Remember the primitive theorem of the old solar calendar of the Jews.
(- 128 × 20) + 2 = - 2558, (- 128 × [7+13]) + 2 = - 2558
The 20’s meaning of the primitive theorem was as follow: The winter solstice of January 1 of 2558 B.C. became the winter solstice of December 12 of 2 A.D.
12. Winter solstice of the old solar calendar of the Jews became December 12 of 5 B.C.
Why? Remember the primitive theorem of the old solar calendar of the Jews.
(- 128 × 20) + 2 = - 2558, (- 128 × [7+13]) + 2 = - 2558
The 20’s meaning of the primitive theorem was as follow: The winter solstice of January 1 of 2558 B.C. became the winter solstice of December 12 of 2 A.D.
The Nativity : Chapter 12-104
Thus they deleted the next large letters’ thirteen days from the old solar calendar of the Jews.
12/12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, on Sunday, December 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, on Sunday, January 1.
Like this, the winter solstice of the Jews became on Sunday of December 25 of A.D. 7.
On Sunday, December 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, on Sunday, January 1.
In conclusion, not only Caesar Augustus but also the Sanhedrin did not know the weak points of their old solar calendars, and the Mankind did not have the conception of the old Gregorian calendar yet, because in 1582 A.D., St. Gregory XIII adopted the new calendar, the Gregorian calendar.
Thus their ignorance and their compromises made the new Julian calendar.
12/12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, on Sunday, December 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, on Sunday, January 1.
Like this, the winter solstice of the Jews became on Sunday of December 25 of A.D. 7.
On Sunday, December 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, on Sunday, January 1.
In conclusion, not only Caesar Augustus but also the Sanhedrin did not know the weak points of their old solar calendars, and the Mankind did not have the conception of the old Gregorian calendar yet, because in 1582 A.D., St. Gregory XIII adopted the new calendar, the Gregorian calendar.
Thus their ignorance and their compromises made the new Julian calendar.
The Nativity : Chapter 12-103
In A.D. 4, the Sanhedrin had this old solar calendar of the Jews in their hands.
12/12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, Sunday, December 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, on Sunday, January 1. Could you notice about the date of the week?
The Sanhedrin obeyed to the new Julian calendar of Caesar Augustus.
12/12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, Sunday, December 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, on Sunday, January 1. Could you notice about the date of the week?
The Sanhedrin obeyed to the new Julian calendar of Caesar Augustus.
The Natiity : Chapter 12-102
They were the dates of the Roman calendar of A.D. 7.
The winter solstice of the Roman became on Sunday of December 25 of A.D. 7.
On Sunday, December 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, on Sunday, January 1.
They were the dates of the Astronomers of A.D. 7
The winter solstice of the Astronomer became on Sunday of December 25 of A.D. 7.
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data
The winter solstice of the Roman became on Sunday of December 25 of A.D. 7.
On Sunday, December 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, on Sunday, January 1.
They were the dates of the Astronomers of A.D. 7
The winter solstice of the Astronomer became on Sunday of December 25 of A.D. 7.
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data
The Nativity : Chapter 12-101
In 8 A.D., Caesar Augustus began the leap year every four year.
On December 31 of A.D. 7 was Saturday. But, on December 31 of 8 A.D. was Monday. That is to say, the normal leap year began in that year of the Roman calendar.
Therefore, I named it the new Julian calendar and the Sanhedrin obeyed to the new Julian calendar of Caesar Augustus.
The Kingdom of Jesus, Astronomy data
On December 31 of A.D. 7 was Saturday. But, on December 31 of 8 A.D. was Monday. That is to say, the normal leap year began in that year of the Roman calendar.
Therefore, I named it the new Julian calendar and the Sanhedrin obeyed to the new Julian calendar of Caesar Augustus.
The Kingdom of Jesus, Astronomy data
The Nativity : Chapter 12-100
The very hard puzzle rings were hidden in the Roman calendar indeed.
Caesar Augustus reformed the Roman calendar
Therefore, in 8 A.D., the Jews deleted thirteen days from the old solar calendar of the Jews.
I guessed that, in A.D. 4, the Sanhedrin had the next list in their hands, and maybe the Title of their meeting was the Subject of the Compromise with Caesar Augustus.
Caesar Augustus reformed the Roman calendar
Therefore, in 8 A.D., the Jews deleted thirteen days from the old solar calendar of the Jews.
I guessed that, in A.D. 4, the Sanhedrin had the next list in their hands, and maybe the Title of their meeting was the Subject of the Compromise with Caesar Augustus.
The Nativity : Chapter 12-99
I guessed that, in A.D. 4, the Sanhedrin had the next list in their hands, and maybe the Title of their meeting was the Subject of the Compromise with Caesar Augustus.
In 8 A.D., Caesar Augustus began the leap year every four year.
On December 31 of A.D. 7 was Saturday. But, on December 31 of 8 A.D. was Monday. That is to say, the normal leap year began in that year of the Roman calendar.
Therefore, I named it the new Julian calendar and the Sanhedrin obeyed to the new Julian calendar of Caesar Augustus.
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data
In 8 A.D., Caesar Augustus began the leap year every four year.
On December 31 of A.D. 7 was Saturday. But, on December 31 of 8 A.D. was Monday. That is to say, the normal leap year began in that year of the Roman calendar.
Therefore, I named it the new Julian calendar and the Sanhedrin obeyed to the new Julian calendar of Caesar Augustus.
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data
The Nativity : Chapter 12-98
The old solar calendar of the Jews had 365.25 days.
The old Jewish calendar had 29.5 × 12 days
I named them the old solar calendar of the Jews and the old Jewish calendar.
After 8 A.D., the Jews adopted the new Julian calendar and the new Jewish calendar.
The very hard puzzle rings were hidden in the Roman calendar indeed.
Caesar Augustus reformed the Roman calendar.
Therefore, in 8 A.D., the Jews deleted thirteen days from the old solar calendar of the Jews.
The old Jewish calendar had 29.5 × 12 days
I named them the old solar calendar of the Jews and the old Jewish calendar.
After 8 A.D., the Jews adopted the new Julian calendar and the new Jewish calendar.
The very hard puzzle rings were hidden in the Roman calendar indeed.
Caesar Augustus reformed the Roman calendar.
Therefore, in 8 A.D., the Jews deleted thirteen days from the old solar calendar of the Jews.
The Nativity : Chapter 12-97
In other words, the seven days became longer than the usual winter solstice. Therefore, on December 25 became the winter solstice.
(The date shifted seven days on calendar).
As the Roman calendar had the irregular dates, Holy Mother Mary, Jesus Christ, and the Jews did not adopt the Roman calendar. Before 8 A.D., the Jews adopted the old solar calendar of the Jews and the old Jewish calendar.
(The date shifted seven days on calendar).
As the Roman calendar had the irregular dates, Holy Mother Mary, Jesus Christ, and the Jews did not adopt the Roman calendar. Before 8 A.D., the Jews adopted the old solar calendar of the Jews and the old Jewish calendar.
The Nativity : Chapter 12-96
The large letters were the one day’s increasing leap years.
The large and the mesh letters were the one day’s decreasing years.
Which years became one day longer by the conference of the foolish Roman priests?
They were 38 B.C., 35 B.C., 32 B.C., 29 B.C., 26 B.C., 23 B.C., 20 B.C., 17 B.C., 14 B.C., and 11 B.C. The total was ten days.
On the other hand, which years became every one day shorter?
They were 5 B.C., 1 B.C., and A.D 4. The total was three days.
10 - 3 = 7
The Diaries of the Gospels Astronomy data
The large and the mesh letters were the one day’s decreasing years.
Which years became one day longer by the conference of the foolish Roman priests?
They were 38 B.C., 35 B.C., 32 B.C., 29 B.C., 26 B.C., 23 B.C., 20 B.C., 17 B.C., 14 B.C., and 11 B.C. The total was ten days.
On the other hand, which years became every one day shorter?
They were 5 B.C., 1 B.C., and A.D 4. The total was three days.
10 - 3 = 7
The Diaries of the Gospels Astronomy data
The Nativity : Chapter 12-95
Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C., so the Roman priests made a leap year every three years from 38 B.C. They had a leap year every three years from 38 B.C., until 9 B.C.
Therefore, Caesar Augustus reformed the Roman calendar.<
The Table of December 31 of the Roman
-45 (Sun) -44 (Mon) -43 (Tue) -42 (Wed) -41 (Fri) -40 (Sat) -39 (Sun) -38 (Tue) -37 (Wed) -36 (Thu) -35 (Sat) -34 (Sun) -33 (Mon) -32 (Wed) -31 (Thu) -30 (Fri) -29 (Sun) -28 (Mon) -27 (Tue) -26 (Thu) -25 (Fri) -24 (Sat) -23 (Mon) -22 (Tue) -21 (Wed) -20 (Fri) -19 (Sat) -18 (Sun) -17 (Tue) -16 (Wed) -15 (Thu) -14 (Sat) -13 (Sun) -12 (Mon) -11 (Wed) -10 (Thu) -9 (Fri) -8 (Sat) -7 (Sun) -6 (Mon) -5 (Tue) -4 (Wed) -3 (Thu) -2 (Fri) -1 (Sat) 1 (Sun) 2 (Mon) 3 (Tue) 4 (Wed) 5 (Thu) 6 (Fri) 7 (Sat) 8 (Mon)
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data
Therefore, Caesar Augustus reformed the Roman calendar.<
The Table of December 31 of the Roman
-45 (Sun) -44 (Mon) -43 (Tue) -42 (Wed) -41 (Fri) -40 (Sat) -39 (Sun) -38 (Tue) -37 (Wed) -36 (Thu) -35 (Sat) -34 (Sun) -33 (Mon) -32 (Wed) -31 (Thu) -30 (Fri) -29 (Sun) -28 (Mon) -27 (Tue) -26 (Thu) -25 (Fri) -24 (Sat) -23 (Mon) -22 (Tue) -21 (Wed) -20 (Fri) -19 (Sat) -18 (Sun) -17 (Tue) -16 (Wed) -15 (Thu) -14 (Sat) -13 (Sun) -12 (Mon) -11 (Wed) -10 (Thu) -9 (Fri) -8 (Sat) -7 (Sun) -6 (Mon) -5 (Tue) -4 (Wed) -3 (Thu) -2 (Fri) -1 (Sat) 1 (Sun) 2 (Mon) 3 (Tue) 4 (Wed) 5 (Thu) 6 (Fri) 7 (Sat) 8 (Mon)
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data
The Nativity : Chapter 12-94
In those days, they did not have the conception of the old Gregorian calendar yet. But those conditions made the scholars very hard to solve the correct date of birth of Jesus.
Please remember The Table of December 31 of the Roman calendar.
In December, 2001 A.D., I meditated these things.
The Feast and Memorial days, Astronomy data
Please remember The Table of December 31 of the Roman calendar.
In December, 2001 A.D., I meditated these things.
The Feast and Memorial days, Astronomy data
The Nativity : Chapter 12-93
The Julian calendar was one day longer than the Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy per 128 years. When I was meditating on those things, my brain made the conception of the old solar calendar of the Jews as follow:
(- 128 × 20) + 2 = - 2558, (- 128 × [7+13]) + 2 = - 2558
The same way, the old solar calendar of the Jews which began in about 2558 B.C. was twenty days longer in A.D. 2, than the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy, so the winter solstice shifted from January 1 to December 12
(The date shifted twenty days on calendar).
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data
(- 128 × 20) + 2 = - 2558, (- 128 × [7+13]) + 2 = - 2558
The same way, the old solar calendar of the Jews which began in about 2558 B.C. was twenty days longer in A.D. 2, than the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy, so the winter solstice shifted from January 1 to December 12
(The date shifted twenty days on calendar).
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data
The Nativity : Chapter 12-92
11. On November 20, 2004 A.D., I made the new primitive theorem of the old solar calendar of the Jews as follow:
(- 128 × 20) + 2 = - 2558, (- 128 × [7+13]) + 2 = - 2558
The Kingdom of Jesus, Astronomy data
(- 128 × 20) + 2 = - 2558, (- 128 × [7+13]) + 2 = - 2558
The Kingdom of Jesus, Astronomy data
The Nativity : Chapter 12-91
http://www.star.gs/ ☆出没南中時刻:太陽・月・惑星.
My mother language was Japanese. I wrote my thinking with the yellow highlighter.
St. Gregory XIII deleted ten days, and the next date of October 4 became October 15.
My mother language was Japanese. I wrote my thinking with the yellow highlighter.
St. Gregory XIII deleted ten days, and the next date of October 4 became October 15.
The Nativity : Chapter 12-90
The Julian calendar had 365.25 days in one year.
The scholars of Astronomy recommended the new calendar to the Pope for three hundred years.
The Gregorian calendar had 365.2425 days in one year.
The Julian calendar was one day longer than the Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy per 128 years. So, in 1582 A.D., St. Gregory XIII adopted the new calendar. Thus St. Gregory XIII deleted the ten days, and the next date of October 4 became October 15.
The Kingdom of Jesus, Astronomy data
The scholars of Astronomy recommended the new calendar to the Pope for three hundred years.
The Gregorian calendar had 365.2425 days in one year.
The Julian calendar was one day longer than the Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy per 128 years. So, in 1582 A.D., St. Gregory XIII adopted the new calendar. Thus St. Gregory XIII deleted the ten days, and the next date of October 4 became October 15.
The Kingdom of Jesus, Astronomy data
The Nativity : Chapter 12-89
On December 12, 2003 A.D., I went to America, and seen from the plane, the fields were very pretty. I visited to Washington D.C., Philadelphia, New York, and so on. But the longer I stayed in America, the more I felt the different wave length of Americans. So I gave up the idea of going to America for preaching any more.
In summer, 2004 A.D., I almost made the theories of the old solar calendar of the Jews in Japanese which was my mother language.
In summer, 2004 A.D., I almost made the theories of the old solar calendar of the Jews in Japanese which was my mother language.
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Buddism 6
我が国には釈迦教に1.875体の「神なるもの」が存在しますがその全てが偶像です。 渡部大修氏によるとギリシャの「万神」パンテオンを模倣して作図した曼荼羅の中心にいるのが「擬人像をもってされた太陽」の大日如来で仏教徒は「お天道さま」を崇拝しています。また、仏教徒たちは「アポロなる観...
I examined from 5 B.C. until 40 A.D. In 4 B.C., Herod the Great passed away. At that time, there was the matter of the lunar eclipse. That ...
The next important thing for decide the date of birth of Jesus Christ was to know the beginning date of His Public Life in correctly. The g...
In April of the Private Life of Jesus Christ In the spring, the Holy Family went back to Nazareth. After Herod died, the angel Gabriel appe...