
The Nativity : Chapter 12-132

16. I want to explain the collect date of birth of Holy Mother Mary, the date of birth of St. John the Baptist, and the date of birth of Jesus Christ.
Thirteen days.
Remember these things.
September 8: Mary was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ September 21: Mary was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar). June 24: St. John the Baptist was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ July 7: St. John the Baptist was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar).
December 25: Jesus was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ January 7: Jesus was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar).
イエズス・キリストの私生活と公生活 天文学データ B5判 P419
天国の祝祭日と記念日一覧 天文学データ B5判 P259
イエズスの王国 天文学データ B5判 P558
祭日 祭日候補 祝日 祝日候補 年代順の一覧表 B5判 P518
講座:イエズスの王国 天文学データ B5判 P324

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The Nativity : Chapter 12-139

I adopted the data of on Friday, July 7, 5 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy for the date of birth of St. John the Baptist...