
Chapter 15. The Holy Family went back to Nazareth.

15. The Holy Family went back to Nazareth.
After Herod died, the angel Gabriel appeared to St. Joseph in a dream, and he said.
“Get up, take the Child and His mother, and go into the land of Israel, for those who were seeking the Child’s life are dead.” (Matthew 2:19-23).
They came back to Israel, but when St. Joseph heard that Achelous had succeeded his father Herod, as the ruler of Judea, he was afraid to go there.
However, as the angel Gabriel appeared to St. Joseph in a dream, and he warned, they withdrew to the district of Galilee in spring of 2 A.D. They arrived at a village called Nazareth, and they settled in there.
Thus what was prophesied through prophet was fulfilled.
“He will be called a Nazarene.”
I wrote Chapter 15.
This is my book. I revised this book over 200 times.

By the way, I wrote『講座 祭日 祭日候補 祝日 祝日好捕 時代順一覧」.

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Buddism 6

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