
I searced about demigods as follow: 1

257. Jesus Reverls to James of Alpaeus His Future Apostlic Mission. On Saturday, July 10, 28 A.D.: The Chapter 257. (February 23, 2025 A.D.) Jesus said to St. James of Alphaeus. “And if a worshiper of the sun one who believes that he is Wisdom reincarnate, who understood the Ttuth, but did not grasp its Perfection, neither did he give it as Health to his faithful ones, or should a nauseated citizen of Rome or Athens come to you asking: ‘Give me knowledge of God’, you cannot and must not say to them: ‘I reject you because it would be profanation to take you to God’ ”. I, Tetsuyo Sano searched about the Buddism and the Shinto as follow:

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Buddism 6

我が国には釈迦教に1.875体の「神なるもの」が存在しますがその全てが偶像です。 渡部大修氏によるとギリシャの「万神」パンテオンを模倣して作図した曼荼羅の中心にいるのが「擬人像をもってされた太陽」の大日如来で仏教徒は「お天道さま」を崇拝しています。また、仏教徒たちは「アポロなる観...