
The Nativity : Chapter 12-77

In September, 2002 A.D., in those days, after I realized about the contradiction of the old Jewish calendar, I taught to my friends like this.
“On December 25, 5 B.C. of the old Julian calendar of the Jews, Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem.”
That is, I changed the calendar from the old lunar and solar calendar to the old solar calendar of the Julian calendar.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-76

Why? Jesus Christ taught His birthday to His apostles.
Jesus said to His apostles.
“My birthday is December (Chislev) 25.”
But, in those days, unfortunately the Mankind did not know about the conception of the old solar calendar of the Jews. So nobody could decide the collect date of birth of Jesus Christ for the twenty centuries.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-75

I realized that the Primitive Roman Catholic Church’s calendar were different from the Primitive Greek Orthodox Church’s calendar for every thirteen days.
September 8: Mary was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ September 21: Mary was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar).
June 24: John the Baptist was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ July 7: John the Baptist was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar).
December 25: Jesus was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ January 7: Jesus was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar).
Therefore, I realized that the Primitive Roman Catholic Church’s scholars knew that Jesus Christ was born on December 25 by the Holy Tradition.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-74

On August 27, 2002 A.D., the early morning, I hit the answer to the problem as I was dazzling on bedding. That is why I could not understand the theories of that book.
If I explained by the old Jewish calendar with respect to the whole dates of the Private Life of Jesus; I will have the many contradictions.
The old solar calendar had 365 days and 1/4 day.
On the other hand, the old Jewish calendar had 29.5 × 12 days.
In other words, they had 11 and 1/4 days’ differences in one year. So if I explained only the date of birth of Jesus Christ by the old Jewish calendar, I have no contradiction. But if I explained the whole dates of the Private Life of Jesus Christ by the old Jewish calendar, I will have plenty of contradiction. Why? The scholars of the Primitive Greek Orthodox Church adopted the Julian calendar. Therefore, I realized that the Primitive Roman Catholic Church’s scholars knew that Jesus Christ was born on December 25 by the Holy Tradition.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-73

On August 11, 2002 A.D., I bought the five books of THE POEM OF THE MAN~GOD.
On August 11, 2002 A.D., I bought the five books of THE POEM OF THE MAN~GOD and another book by internet from Canada.
From August 12 until August 26 of 2002 A.D., I read another book, but I could not understand the theories on account of the Jewish calendar of that book.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-72

These books were the materials data of Mr. Tsukasa Hasegawa’s website.
マイコン宇宙講座 著者:中野主一 発行:廣済堂出版
マイコンが解く天体の謎 著者:中野主一 発行:誠文堂新光社
天文計算入門 著者:長谷川一郎 発行:恒星社
天文年鑑 発行:誠文堂新光社
理科年表 編纂:国立天文台 発行:丸善株式会社
I had known about the Holy Tradition of the Roman Catholic Church, so I could not accept the theories of January, i.e. on January 7.

I like this Ave Maria.



Readers The Nativity : Chapter 12-71

香港 144 イギリス 80 日本 40 アメリカ合衆国 31 フランス 25 ドイツ 22 セーシェル 17 インド 8 アイルランド 5 その他 26


The Nativity : Chapter 12-70

My dates were based on the data of the sun and the moon of the Astronomy, and I used the data of Mr. Tsukasa Hasegawa. http://www.star.gs/ ☆出没南中時刻
日付:年月日: year, month, day. 地方標準時: The local standard time.
エルサレム(イスラエル): Jerusalem (Israel). 太陽: The sun.
My mother language was Japanese. I wrote my thinking on the left and right sides of the Table.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-69

For a while, I had the next thinking.
Maybe, Jesus Christ was born between from the former date until the latter date.
On December 9, 5 B.C. of the Julian calendar of B.C.: The moon was the gibbous (9.9). The zenith of the moon was at 20:20:11.
On December 15, 5 B.C. of the Julian calendar of B.C.: The moon was almost full moon (15.9). The zenith of the moon was at 0:34:15.
Or, on January 7, 4 B.C. of the Julian calendar of B.C.: The moon was the gibbous (9.4). The zenith of the moon was at 19:53:28.
On January 14, 4 B.C. of the Julian calendar of B.C.: The moon was almost full moon (16.4). The zenith of the moon was at 0:57:25.


The Nativity : Chapter12-68

On Monday, December 25, 5 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy: this date did not suitable for the date of birth of Jesus. And this date of B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy did not exist in the history of the Jews too. At that time, I understood that the problem of the date of birth of Jesus Christ was very hard puzzle rings. So nobody could solve this hard problem, and they had to solve at least about the kinds of calendars, the correct B.C., and the correct day of the week
On February 2, 2024 A.D., I know the definition of the Julian calendar in correctly, and the date of birth of Jesus Christ. But in 2002 A.D., in those days, I had no idea about the Julian calendar yet.
In conclusion, they might not be able to proclaim that calendar the Julian calendar.


The Nativity :Chapter 12-67

On December 25 of 6 B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy was Saturday, so St. Joseph and Holy Mother Mary could not trip at all. That is why the Jews were not supposed to walk more than 900m on the Sabbath. So I could deny that day automatically.
I named that calendar the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy. But those dates of B.C. of the old Gregorian calendar of the Astronomy did not exist in the history of the Jews indeed.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-66

I researched the below data.
December 25, 7 B.C. -71225
December 25, 6 B.C. -61225
December 25, 5 B.C. -51225
December 25, 4 B.C. -41225
If you put the date into it (年月日: year, month, day), they might be more useful for you.
何日分?: How many days? You should write like this: 30~60.
-71201, -61201, -51201, -41201.
I researched the below data
Friday, December 25, 7 B.C.
The zenith was at 15:37:39. The phase of the moon was 4.1.
Saturday, December 25, 6 B.C.
The zenith was at 23:47:44. The phase of the moon was 14.5.
Monday, December 25, 5 B.C.
The zenith was at 8:01:26. The phase of the moon was 25.9.
Tuesday, December 25, 4 B.C.
The zenith was at 17:47:24. The phase of the moon was 6.8.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-65

8. In Summer, 2002 A.D., my friend who was the associate professor of Miyazaki University taught Mr. Tsukasa Hasegawa’s website to me.
This was Mr. Tsukasa Hasegawa’s website.
http://www.star.gs/ ☆出没南中時刻:太陽・月・惑星.
I translated these Japanese into English.
年月日: year, month, day.
標準時: The standard time.
地方標準時: The local standard time. Click the button.
何日分?: How many days? You should write like this: 30~60.
天体名: The name of the celestial.
太陽: The sun.
月: The moon. I researched about the moon.
全世界: The whole world.
エルサレム(イスラエル): Jerusalem (Israel).
When you read the table, you should read these items.
南中: The zenith of the moon.
月齢12時: The phase of the moon at 12 a.m.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-64

Therefore, in 8 A.D., the Jews deleted thirteen days from the old solar calendar of the Jews.
In summer, 2004 A.D., I almost made the theories of the old solar calendar of the Jews in Japanese which was my mother language.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-63

Sunday, January 1, 45 B.C., Julius Caesar began the new solar calendar.
The leap year had 366 days.
The average year had 365 days.
That is, the old solar calendar of the Jews and the Roman calendar of Julius Caesar were the just same calendar. Why? The sun, the moon, and the earth were drifted in the universe in very precisely, so the satellites arrived at the moon correctly not by chance.
The very hard puzzle ring was hidden in the Roman calendar indeed.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-62

10 - 3 = 7
What I wrote count for much. In other words, the seven days became longer than the usual winter solstice. So, December 25 became the winter solstice.
(The date shifted seven days on calendar).
Frankly speaking, Julius Caesar began the Roman calendar from the winter solstice on Sunday of January 1 of 45 B.C. Sunday, January 1, 45 B.C., Julius Caesar began the new solar calendar.


The Nativity :Chapter 12-61

Which years became one day longer by the conference of the foolish Roman priests?
They were 38 B.C., 35 B.C., 32 B.C., 29 B.C., 26 B.C., 23 B.C., 20 B.C., 17 B.C., 14 B.C., and 11 B.C. The total was ten days.
On the other hand, which years became every one day shorter?
They were 5 B.C., 1 B.C., and A.D. 4. The total was three days.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-60

The second Table of December 31 of the Roman calendar
-45 (Sun) -44 (Mon) -43 (Tue) -42 (Wed) -41 (Fri) -40 (Sat) -39 (Sun) -38 (Tue) -37 (Wed) -36 (Thu) -35 (Sat) -34 (Sun) -33 (Mon) -32 (Wed) -31 (Thu) -30 (Fri) -29 (Sun) -28 (Mon) -27 (Tue) -26 (Thu) -25 (Fri) -24 (Sat) -23 (Mon) -22 (Tue) -21 (Wed) -20 (Fri) -19 (Sat) -18 (Sun) -17 (Tue) -16 (Wed) -15 (Thu) -14 (Sat) -13 (Sun) -12 (Mon) -11 (Wed) -10 (Thu) -9 (Fri) -8 (Sat) -7 (Sun) -6 (Mon) -5 (Tue) -4 (Wed) -3 (Thu) -2 (Fri) -1 (Sat) 1 (Sun) 2 (Mon) 3 (Tue) 4 (Wed) 5 (Thu) 6 (Fri) 7 (Sat) 8 (Mon)
The capital letters were the one day’s increasing leap years.
The capital and the mesh letters were the one day’s decreasing years.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-59

In December, 2001 A.D., I made the Table for a week as follow: Note: Su (Sunday) M (Monday) Tu (Tuesday) W (Wednesday) Th (Thursday) Fr (Friday) Sa (Saturday)
The next year of 1 B.C. was 1 A.D.
The first Table of December 31 of the Roman
Su Su Su 45 M 39 34 M 44 Tu Tu 33 43 W 38 W W 42 37 Th 32 Th Fr 40 36 35 31 41 Sa Sa Su Su 29 M M 18 28 Tu 23 Tu Tu 27 22 W 17 W Th 21 16 Fr 26 Fr 24 Fr 19 30 25 Sa 20 Sa Su 13 M -7 M 12 -6 Tu W -5 W Th 11 Th -4 Th 15 14 10 Fr -8 -3 Fr -1 Sa -9 Sa -2 Sa Su 1 M M 13 M 2 Tu 8 Tu 14 Tu 3 W 9 W 15 4 Th 10 Th 5 Fr 7 11 12 6 Sa Sa



The Nativity : Chapter 12-49

7. On Sunday, January 1, 45 B.C., Julius Caesar began the new calendar.
In December, 2001 A.D., I meditated these things.
Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C., so the Roman priests made a leap year every three years from 38 B.C. They had a leap year every three years from 38 B.C., until 9 B.C.
Therefore, Caesar Augustus reformed the Roman calendar. He made the leap year every four years from 8 B.C. Moreover he deleted a leap year from that three times for reform the day of the week.


Kindle books

イエズス・キリストの私生活と公生活 天文学データ B5判 419ページ
天国の祝祭日と記念日一覧 天文学データ B5判 259ページ
  イエズスの王国 天文学データ B5判 558ページ
祭日 祭日候補 祝日 祝日候補 年代順の一覧表 B5判 518ページ
講座:イエズスの王国 天文学データ B5判 324<
The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data B5判 290ページ
The Feast and Memorial days of the Heaven, Astronomy data B5判 292ページ
「講座:イエズスの王国 天文学データ」は紙版です。


The Nativity : Chapter 12-48

In my experiences, I noticed that if we understood these items, we will be able to decide the date of birth of Jesus Christ very easily, constantly, and reproducibly. And in studying the dates of The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data, you must make constant use of data of Astronomy and the Maps of Israel.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-47

When the date of birth of Jesus Christ comes to the question, nobody can find an easy solution. My opinion was different from other, and I managed to find out the correct date of birth of Jesus Christ. If I gave up the researching the date of birth of Jesus, I must not have solved the problem of the dates of birth of Holy Mother Mary, St. John the Baptist, and Jesus Christ.


The Natiity : Chapter 12-46

September 8: Mary was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ September 21: Mary was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar).
June 24: John the Baptist was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ July 7: John the Baptist was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar).
December 25: Jesus was born. (The Primitive Roman Catholic Church had this theory).
→ January 7: Jesus was born. (The Primitive Greek Orthodox Church had this theory. Its calendar was the Julian calendar). Please count them on your fingers.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-45

6. In November, 2001 A.D., I visited the messenger Boards of Yahoo Japan. Just then a Greek Orthodox Church’s general believer taught this information to me.
“We celebrate these birthdays like this. September 21: Mary was born. July 7: John the Baptist was born. January 7: Jesus was born. This calendar was the Julian calendar.”
His information was very important for me, so I researched the websites of the Greek Orthodox Church by Yahoo Japan, and I realized that the Primitive Roman Catholic Church’s calendar were different from the Primitive Greek Orthodox Church’s calendar for thirteen days.


The Nativity : Chapter 12-44

Do you think the true God worked those miracles on purpose? But it makes no difference to me whether you believe them or not.
I remember those events as if they had just the last year, and this agreed I started to research the details of the dates of The Diaries of the Gospels, Astronomy data.
(On February 2 of 2024 A.D., I revised these memories).

Today was June 2 of 2024 A.D., I did not want to revise on account of date.

Buddism 6

我が国には釈迦教に1.875体の「神なるもの」が存在しますがその全てが偶像です。 渡部大修氏によるとギリシャの「万神」パンテオンを模倣して作図した曼荼羅の中心にいるのが「擬人像をもってされた太陽」の大日如来で仏教徒は「お天道さま」を崇拝しています。また、仏教徒たちは「アポロなる観...