
Chapter 14-3

When the Magi left Jerusalem the Star led them, and at night, the Star stopped above the house which the Child stayed at.
The next afternoon, when they went into the Second floor, they met the little Child with Holy Mother Mary. They bowed down and worshiped Him.
They opened their treasures and offered Him gifts of gold, incense, and myrrh.
At night, as the angel Gabriel warned in their dreams not to go back to Herod, they returned to their countries by the safety routes.

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Shinto 1

[2]私は、統合失調症の短編小説作家の稗田阿礼が詠んだ旧辞、「擬人化された太陽」、神道、氏子、偶像崇拝、多神教的無神論について解説しました。 イスラエルの人々はラメセスからスコトに向けて出発しました。一行は女と子供を別にして壮年男子だけで約60万人いました。(出エジプト記12:3...